Wednesday evening 26th November North Hessary Tor

Almost perfect conditions for a walk with a clear sky and no wind. Out from Four Winds and up to the little quarry which some had not seen before. Across the Yellowmead track and on to Hollow Tor. Over to North Hessary Tor and then down to join the railway track near Princetown. Along the track for a while to the edge of Foggintor for our coffee break.  Down to the lower track below Swell Tor to follow that  around under King Tor.  Finally  down to the little stream and then back to the cars.

Later in the Whitchurch Inn there was much discussion about the future format of the Wednesday walks and a strong view that the daytime walks should be on a different day to the evening walk.  This would make it easier for those who want to do both the day and evening walk and would probably mean more support for the evening walks

With Pete, Keith, David, Terry, Stella, Raz and Jon

(Apologies for the poor picture quality)

Tuesday 25th November Foggintor

An impromptu walk with Tom and David starting from Leedon Tor car park.  A cold morning with rain always in the air and a bitterly cold wind.

Up the hill to Leedon Tor when it was thought that Tom had left his car lights on so he returned to make sure they were off - they were.

The view across towards Swell Tor quarries.

We went down to the bridge which goes over the old railway line, just pass this the line goes over the river and there had been some work to replace the fencing at the top of the bridge. The digger had been left with its engine running - there didn't seem to be anyone in the vicinity or in charge.

 Along the railway line for awhile before cutting across and up to the unused London Bridge corbels.

Further along the track there was another bridge where the fencing was being replaced. We were not inspired by the pace at which the work being carried out!

Just past this point the track goes around King Tor we went left around the original track.

On to Foggintor Quarry where the military had an exercise set up.

Coldstream guards were expected and a rope had been set up across the water in the quarry where the guards were going to undertake a 'mock' river crossing. We were told they were expected to strip down to their Goretex underwear before crossing the water where the rope is - rather them than me! The temperature was only just above freezing and there was a bitterly cold wind. We took a break in the quarry but unfortunately they did not arrive whilst we were there.

Tom shows how they would be getting out of the water.

Over to Swelltor Quarry.

It then started to rain quite hard and we returned to the cars back along the railway track, around Ingra Tor and up through the saddle.

Lunch was at the Devon Tors and was exceptionally good and exceptionally good value.

Whitehorse Hill Exhibition Plymouth Museum

A fascinating visit today to Plymouth Museum to see items removed from a Cist on Whitehorse Hill in 2011.  More information about the excavation and other links in this blog

All these items are 4000 year old

1. Cremated human remains.

2. Beads from a necklace.

 3. The beads were wrapped in this pelt from a brown bear - these lived here at the time.

Wednesday 19th November Bellever

Very dull for our walk today and with the prospect of heavy rain. I decided on a route to take us through Bellever forest and over Laughter Tor and Bellever Tor.

Out past some forestry workings.

And the place where the Night Jars live during the summer.

Down the steeper bit towards Bellever.

Then out on the track to Laughter Tor Farm.

Turning right at the wall junction and up to.....

... Laughter Tor with this view across to Bellever Tor. We stopped here for our coffee break.

Bellever Tor ahead.

A group of Dartmoor ponies waiting on the path.

The view from Bellever Tor. From here we walked down to the Lych way and then looped through the forest and back to the car park.

The expected rain started as we were driving to the Prince of Wales for lunch. With Tom, David, Peter, Terry, Jon and Jane.

Tuesday 18th November Arch Tor

This walk was intended as a 'recce' for part the walk I am leading tomorrow with the Wednesday group. I particularly wanted to check that the route was passable across the stream which exits the Archerton bog. As it turns out this part was easily passable and I decided to complete the whole walk. Unfortunately, this walk is a little bit too long for the Wednesday morning walk so I will have to do something else.

I started from the little car park by Higher Cherrybrook Bridge.

A short walk into the Forest and along the muddy track which has been made much worse by the forestry workings.

Soon I was at the Lych Way and turned left to follow this down to the main road.

This is the view as you go through the gate. Arch Tor is just visible on the horizon.

Some conveniently placed boards across the boggy bit at the bottom.  They are in need of some repair.

Up to Arch Tor and then across the open more to find.......

 ....the gate.

From here I followed the wall around the Archerton bog and then up to the stile at the top of Hollowcombe Bottom. This is the view looking down.

Then along the wall with Broad Down on the left and Fernworthy Forest is just visible in the distance.

This is looking back across the Archerton Bog. The main part of the bog can be seen as the large brown patch in the middle left of the photo.

Soon I was at the gate which leads down to Postbridge.

Across Braddon Lake. It was beginning to brighten up a little at this point.

Through the iconic gate on the path leading out of Postbridge.

Then back into the woods.

Just before the car park looking out across the edge of Bellever Forest as the sun is breaking through in the distance.

Wednesday 12th November Devon Great Consols

Joined the village Walk and Talk group today. On Wednesdays the group arranges a two hour walk. Today the walk  started from the Tamar Trails Centre  at Gulworthy and out along the old rail lines to the Devon Great Consols mine. 

A bright morning and so different to the last two days. Perfect weather for an autumnal walk through the woods.

Fly Agaric in all its wonderful splendour, But, not a good idea to eat it!

Eventually we came to the old copper and arsenic mines

An excellent  outdoor information centre in the remains of an old building.

The arsenic spoil tips in the middle distance which have been there for a hundred years and where nothing grows

The old workings. Most of which have been repaired so that the will remain indefinitely in this ruined state.

Then returning through the woods in the lovely sunshine.

Much more information about the history of the mines here

Devon Great Consols Virtual Tour