A dull morning on the moor at first. We parked at the entrance to the Willsworthy firing range. Unusually for the time of year there was no firing today. We followed the road in and this sign caused some comment because if the Range Wardens were 5 miles ahead they would very much in the centre of Dartmoor. Closer examination revealed that it should read .5 and the decimal point had been painted over.
The road past the main firing range and this sign marks the 200 metre distance to the targets which are displayed under the numbers on the bank.
The targets are held in this mechanism below.
Our route was to take us up to Hare Tor on the right in the distance as the sky became brighter.
Just underneath Hare Tor...
...on to the top and the view below Brat Tor in the distance...
...then over Sharp Tor to Great Links Tor in the far distance.

A break here and minutes afterwards as we were about to leave there was a heavy hail storm.
From here we headed over to Tavy Cleave Tor with the River Tavy below.
Our next stop was Ger Tor shown here in the distance.
Past this stone circle.
Looking back at Tavy Cleave Tor - Fur Tor in the far distance.
Tavy Cleave again.
Much brighter again as we move off from here.
Through a gap in the wall and this view up to Hare Tor with Great Links Tor on the left.
Down to and through the ford and then...
...back past another of the many smaller firing ranges.
Much brighter again as we left the moor behind.
An excellent lunch in the Mary Tavy Inn. With John, David, Tom, Terry, Peter, Anne, Pete and Cath.