Saturday 26th February Trowlesworthy Tor

From the Car Park by the river Plym opposite Brisworthy Burrows. Out around Trowlesworthy Warren House and heading through the wet bits to Little Trowlesworthy Tor. The view looks across to Legis Tor, Gutter Tor with Leather Tor and Great Mis Tor in the far distance

Little Trowelsworthy Tor towards Gutter Tor.

Looking to Shell Top with Great Trowelsworthy Tor in the foreground.

Towards Plymouth with the horrible china clay workings below.

From here through some really boggy ground up to Shell Top - the view looks down from Shell Top towards Penn Beacon.

Penn Beacon with the Ugborough Beacon in the far distance.

The return route was at a lower level - to avoid the boggy patch - this is the view back across Trowlesworthy Warren House from just below Little Trowlesworthy Tor.

Wenesday 23rd February Whiteworks

In the Dartmoor mist on a mild night we took the track to South Hessary Tor. From here our leader took a direct bearing across to Hart Tor. We didn't have any tracks and places were very boggy but this was an excellent piece of navigating as the tor eventually appeared out of the mist.

After this we went south to Crazy Well Pool. Then down to the track, along to Older Bridge and back to the cars. 

On the walk tonight Pete, Jon, Mike and Ann

Tuesday 22nd February Bellever forest

Just as we had got going through the boggy bit at the start of the forest Paul couldn't remember if he had left his rucksack in his car or next to it!  He definitely wasn't carrying it so back to the car park he went.  We diverted around a little to allow him to catch up (the rucksack was on the back seat).  On an uneven track we suddenly had a man down! Charlie tripped and was on the ground. Fortunately there was no damage and he didn't have any more injuries than before he fell.

As one group again we went on to Bellever Tor. Onwards, just for a bit of fun to Laughter Tor and down to Bellever. Back into the forest where there used to be trees and onwards to the car park. 

Lunch was in the East Dart Hotel, with no heating again a very cold venue!

On today's walk Carol, Roger, Charlie, Brian, Paul and Marina

Wednesday 16th February Prewley Waterworks

Same route as on the previous Saturday.  A very wet day but it stopped just before the walk - to start again when we left the pub.  For the duration of the walk we had clear skies and good visibility.

Saturday 12th February Prewley Waterworks

Followed the track up across Prewley Moor from the small car park.

 Up through the ice works and on to Sourton Tors.

Then across to the track which leads on to the Rattle Brook railway - on to the main track where it crosses the Lyd.

From here followed up the unmarked stream known as Tiger Marsh to the B17 Crash Site.

Stayed to the right of Tiger Marsh and on to Branscombe's Loaf.

Down the steep bit to Shelstone Tor and then back to the car park.

Wednesday 9th February Warren House Inn

From the car par down to the mine workings.  Then through the forest to Soussons Farm and along the track to the stream for an encounter with newts and frogs. On along the track to Challacombe.  North to Headland Warren Farm and then back to the mineworkings with much loud 'singing' from the three boys at the back. Mild and misty with some rain. Back in the pub the chairman, after changing his batteries, was in fine form enquiring both of peoples activities for the following day and their current weight!

Walkers tonight Mike, John, Tom, Charles, Irving and Pete

Tuesday 8th February Boulters Tor

Alternating swirling mist with no visibility and then sunshine with distant views was the weather for most of the walk.  Cool fresh winds and wet under foot.

From the car park we took the road to Lower Godsworthy farm and the track past Higher Godsworthy farm. At both farms we were surrounded by uncontrolled, apparently crazy barking dogs with knashing teeth who didn't seem at all happy to let us pass through!

Out on to the moor below Cox Tor and up to the dew pond. It was at this point, after a senior moment, that Roger suddenly realised where he was! Then on to Roos Tor.

 From here we took the track to the restored stone circle.

Through the swirling mist to find the Standing stone with bullet marks from firing practise during the Second World War and then up to White Tor.

Finally down to the track past Stephen's Grave where Bud and Chris had been about an hour before us and then to the Peter Tavy Inn for lunch.

On the walk today Charlie, Colin, Paul, Roger and Brian.  In the pub Amber, Chris and Bud.

Wednesday 2nd February Sheepstor and around Burrator

After a very wet day the rain had cleared for our walk. Out from Joey's lane and up to the top of Sheepstor. Over to Deanscombe for a break then down to Norsworthy bridge.  Up to the leat where much work had been going to fell the trees.  Along the road and then the leat. Down to the Dam and back to the start.

On tonights walk John, Jon, Keith and Pete

Tuesday 1st February Merrivale to Sampford Spiney

A walk of two halves!

With bad weather forecast Terry organised a walk to keep us a sheltered. For the first half of the walk the weather was as predicted - typical low cloud and drizzle.

We followed the footpath from Merrivale through Longash and Daveytown to Ward Bridge.  Then around Sampford Spiney where we met up with Roger and Carol.

As we came on to the open moor below Pew Tor the clouds lifted, the sun came out and you could see for miles.

Lunch in the Dartmoor Inn.  Walkers today Terry, Rosemary, Roger, Carol, Colin, Amber, Paul and Brian. In the pub Chris and Bud